Last updated 03/09/2024
Step 1: Booking
You're ready to start creating and bringing your book to life. So exciting! You're probably here for some guidance on what to expect. Let's dive right in.
Once we've discussed a week that works for both of us, we require a 30% non-refundable deposit to secure your spot. We'll invoice you and once that's paid, we wait until it's time to start editing!
We highly advise reading our terms and conditions as it has some very important info if you need to change the date of your appointment. We want to be clear and communicate everything upfront, so please, don't hesitate to get in touch if you have ANY questions at all.
Step 2: FORM
The next step would be filling out our form. We will email you a link to this page and a form link.
We will ask for all the specs and important information we need to start with a rough edit of your book trailer with your specific needs. Don't fret if you're not sure about something. Just type NA and we will get in touch if any assistance is needed. You can also email me at gisel@neptunebookdesigns.com
I will start working on backgrounds, textures, title effects, and visuals guided by your form's responses.
I will send our first proof to see if we got the vibe, footage, visual effects, and music right. We can make changes and tweaks still!
Changes and tweaks after this stage take longer as rendering video edits takes A LOT longer.
Small tweaks are totally fine (like changing a stock video, making titles a little longer, or trying different transitions), but a change of artwork past this stage might incur a longer working time and an extra fee might apply depending on the complexity of the modification (like changing the entire concept, adding or removing 3d effects or changing all transitions when visual effects have already been added). So make sure to not hold back and let me know if there's anything that you're not sure about before we move on, pretty please!
I will fix all requested modifications and start polishing little details!
Music might or might not be coordinated with the titles or sound effects yet. That will be defined as we get closer to the final approval since any change to the visuals directly impacts the sound effects and music.
I will send another proof and make any extra changes needed until we're happy with the result!
We have our final approval! I'll export a high-quality version of the trailer/teaser and send an invoice for the remaining balance.
Once that's paid and we're done rendering the files, you'll receive a link to download your final file(s).
Make sure to download them as soon as possible as sometimes links get broken and we have to re-upload them (if this ever happens, don't hesitate to get in touch so we can resend a link to your files).
If you need any extras, we'd love to see if we can accommodate you!
We should be ALL DONE with your book trailer and cannot wait to see what your readers think of it!
Let's stay in touch!
I cannot thank you enough for supporting our business and I hope you can reach all your goals with your new book trailer!
We cannot wait to see it everywhere! Make sure to tag us whenever you post it on social media, we would love to give you some support and love!
Instagram: @neptunedesignsl
Threads: @neptunedesignsl
Facebook: Neptune Designs
You're also more than welcome to join our FB group where I post updates, discounts, giveaways, and first looks: FB GROUP
Thank you so much!